Looking Book Competition

LOOKING BOOK COMP We had so many marvellous entries to our Looking Book competition that featured in the Time Travel issue (Jul/Aug 2022) of AQUILA. From trips to local galleries and days out at some iconic museums to some epic online galleries, as usual AQUILAnauts found a way to get involved! Here are our three […]

Indigo Bing Competition NOW CLOSED

COMPETITION NOW CLOSED Announcing: Indigo Bing and the Missing Mind Disc Our brain-boggling postal escape room At last! Amazing news for AQUILAnauts and soon-to-be AQUILAnauts everywhere. You probably thought we only make magazines, books and magazine-storage based stationery products – and for a long time, you’d have been correct. But all that has changed forever, because now […]

Make a lava lamp

Have you ever wanted to make your very own Lava Lamp?! Well now you can, in just 4 steps! Let’s go… See what effects you can get with a few simple ingredients. Please check with an adult first before you raid the kitchen cupboards though! FUN LAVA FACTS The lava lamp was invented in 1963, […]