Maths Hacks – Harry Potter Edition
Maths Hacks: Harry Potter Edition Do you have a kid who hates maths, but loves Harry Potter? Then these magical maths hacks are for you; send your kid to potions class and let’s inspire some spellbinding mathematical learning! First stop, let’s head to the Hogwarts dungeon! Potions class Our first class is potions; get out […]
Maths Hacks – Music Edition
Maths Hacks: Music Edition Do you have a kid that ‘hates maths’ but loves music? Here’s one for the Swifty in your house! Let’s inspire some mathematical thinking with a little help from THOSE WHO ROCK! Imagine you are a mega platinum, multi stadium, double A-list, super cool rock star. You need to plan a […]
Maths Hacks – Baking Edition
Maths Hacks: Baking Edition Is your child a little afraid of maths? That’s understandable, lots of people are. There’s a lot to learn and sometimes it feels like if you miss one thing, you can get left behind. Does it feel that way to your child? Numbers can be SO confusing. But do you know […]
Charles Fraser-Smith
Charles Fraser-Smith, gadget-designing genius Have you ever looked at your hairbrush and thought: ‘I could definitely turn that into a hiding place for a map and saw’? Notsomuch? Well, enter the world of Charles Fraser-Smith, a mild-mannered clothing supply clerk who, during World War II, invented gadgets and gizmos that would make James Bond jealous. […]
History of Graffiti Art
The history of graffiti art On Tuesday 14 July 2020, the famous graffiti artist Banksy posted a video of his latest work on his Instagram account. Among other things, it featured a rat sneezing blue spray paint onto the window of a London Underground train. (Gross, ed) The message read, ‘if you don’t mask – […]
What is Pop Art?
WHAT IS POP ART? Artists take inspiration from lots of different places and art comes in all kinds of shapes, sizes and styles. In the middle of the 20th century, an art movement called ‘Pop Art’ was inspired by how the world was changing after a long period of adversity. What kind of adversity? – […]