Sherlock Holmes & Victorian London
Sherlock Holmes & the Two Cities of Victorian London: Crime, Class and Forensics Hooves clatter
This eye-catching vendor’s tray is a really fun way to test out your newfound money-making skills. It can be used at family film nights, at school fairs and street parties… wherever people are likely to be looking for snacks (which, let’s face it, is everywhere, ed). We’ve chosen to make and sell popcorn because it’s cheap to buy and easy to make. You can use your vendor’s tray to sell whatever you like for as much money as you like. Just make sure you follow any rules that apply and have an appropriate adult on hand, especially if you’re selling to people you don’t know well. Let’s get started, after all, those wheels of industry won’t turn themselves!
– 2 identical cardboard boxes
– masking tape
– glue
– scissors
– ruler
– sharp pencil
– an extra piece of cardboard
– rubber
– acrylic paint in two colours, we’ve used red and white
– paint brushes
– ribbon
– paper cups
– popping corn
Stick the back of box A to the base of box B, as pictured. Leave the glue to dry.
With scissors, separate the sides from the top of box A.
Take a pencil and draw a curved line down each side to round off the corners. Cut along the lines you’ve drawn.
Mark the centre of the top of box A, and draw three curves at the top of box A. You might like to use the roll of masking tape as a guide. Cut along the lines you’ve drawn.
Trace around the top of box A onto a separate piece of card.
Stick this to the front of box A to strengthen it.
With a ruler and a pencil draw straight lines to make three triangles.
Use masking tape to mask off the straight lines, and paint.
Leave to dry completely.
With a sharp pencil and a rubber, make one hole in each side of box B, about 6 cm from the front.
Take a length of ribbon, about 1 m should be plenty, and tie a knot in one end. Thread it through one hole from the inside out, then back in through the other side, as pictured. Tie a knot and trim the other end.
Add a price (one you can move up or down to maximise profits during times of high demand) and a description of your product, and there you have it. You’re ready to make some sweet, sweet coin!
Don’t forget to email us photos of your Very Inviting Vendor’s Tray to us via the AQUILAnauts’ page of the AQUILA website!
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Words and pictures: Hi-lo Piccolo
Sherlock Holmes & the Two Cities of Victorian London: Crime, Class and Forensics Hooves clatter
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