How to survive a night in a forest? Firstly, you don’t have to. You probably have a nice warm, dry bed in a comfortable house with all your lovely things around you. You’re safe. Just stay there

Unless, of course, you have a thirst for adventure and are yearning to explore those wild woodlands around you, in which case read on!

Forest survival is about taking yourself away from the safety of your usual environment and discovering plants, trees and animals in their natural habitat. It could be challenging but it will DEFINITELY be lots and lots of fun. You’ll just need to be prepared.

Here are E.B.’s top tips for wild wood camping.



Tent or basha (tarp covering)

Sleeping bag and roll mat



Cooking and eating utensils (pot/pan, plate, mug, knife and fork)

Gas burner/camping stove


Clean water


Torch (with spare batteries, or better still a kinetic one!)

Medical kit

Spade and toilet roll (!)


Wet wipes

Midge/mosquito net

Zip lock bags


Base camp and navigation – Choose a spot that will be your ‘base’ – make sure there is something recognisable: a pile of rocks, perhaps; or a sock hung from a long stick for a makeshift flag. Forests can be hard places to navigate (just ask Hansel and Gretel, ed), so it is important that you can easily find your base. Learn how to use a compass before you head off too, this will help if you wander too far away from where you have set up shelter.

Shelter – Find a flat piece of ground that is as smooth as possible to pitch your tent or shelter for the night. As soon as you lie down you will become aware of every stick and stone, even if you do have a roll mat or camping bed!

Water – Take plenty of bottled water with you (this is even more important in hot weather). Find out before you go whether or not there are any streams nearby with water that is safe to drink. Never take it for granted that clean-looking water is safe.

Dry clothes are a must – Whatever happens to the clothes you’re exploring in by day, ensure you have something dry to put on before bed. This will make for a warm and toasty night. Dry, warm clothes are a must for sleeping in the great outdoors. Never go to bed already cold because you will never warm up. Brrrrr! 

Food – Take the basics for an easy supper with you. Baked beans are great (just don’t forget the can opener, ed), or sausages and bread rolls. Don’t try and be too inventive; remember you’ll have to carry everything you need for the trip into the woods. Why not make our cracking camping calzones for your supper before you bed down for the night! 

Safety – Make sure you never wild camp alone, and always take a sensible adult with you, someone who will offer more help than hindrance! Take a whistle, wear bright clothes and never split up from your group when exploring.


Obviously wild woodland camping is a chance to be free and get back to basics with nature but there are a few rules that need to be followed to make sure EVERYONE is happy!  

  • Most land is owned by someone – before you go you will need to find out where you can camp legally.  
  • Forest fires can get out of control in minutes and cause destruction and danger to both humans and wildlife. Only build fires in designated spaces.  
  • Leave the forest as you found it.
  • Take ALL your rubbish home – maybe apart from your poo, but make sure you bury this properly (oh, so that’s what the spade is for! Ed) so that it doesn’t offend other woodland users!

BEWARE OF BRACKEN: When you are choosing where to pitch your shelter, try and find an open area within the forest as bracken can bring an army of ticks (or adders…) with it!


Take a hot water bottle with you and pop it into your sleeping bag about half an hour before you plan to bed down for the night. (Fill it with hot water first, though!)

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