Taskmaster Education is coming to AQUILA magazine

Here at AQUILA HQ we’ve been holding on to some steaming hot news. ‘WHAT IS IT?’ I hear you scream, ‘WE CAN’T WAIT TO STUFF YOUR SIZZLING NEWS INTO OUR BRAINHOLES’.  

Well, never fear AQUILAnauts, because the wait is now over. 

We’ve partnered up with Taskmaster Education to set themed tasks and activities for young Taskmaster fans to complete at home! From January, you can come to AQUILA for a regular Taskmaster fix. Readers can even submit their tasks to win points from Taskmaster Education HQ. It’s all about encouraging young people to develop important life skills, such as teamwork, collaborative problem-solving, communication, critical thinking, knowing how to construct a shelter entirely from the contents of your nanna’s pantry – you know, that kind of thing. 

Oh yeah, and Greg Davies and Little Alex Horne have been stylishly recreated by our EXTREMELY TALENTED illustrator friend Nick Taylor, with brand new outfits and everything.

Illustration: Nick Taylor

Check out our Instagram tomorrow to enter our Taskmaster competition, to be in with chance of winning some unmissable prizes. 

The competition starts on Friday the 2nd of December and ends at midnight (11:59 pm GMT) on Monday 5th of December. Winners will be announced on the Instagram post on Tuesday the 6th of December.

Taskmaster competition

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